Technology & The Service Desk: Meeting Tomorrow’s Support Needs Today

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January 23, 2019


Remember the days when IT was the gatekeeper of all work-related equipment – back when hardware and software were standardized and issued solely by IT? Those were certainly simpler times.

Today’s mobile workforce brings all manner of devices, applications, systems and equipment to the table, creating a maelstrom of complexity and making it difficult for support organizations to keep up with demand. In fact, new and current technology accounts for four of the five top factors causing support ticket volumes to rise. Navigating this ever-changing support landscape requires an expanding set of skills and tools.

Instead of trying to keep pace with the steady rise in tickets using yesterday’s methods, support organizations need to get out in front of the surge, armed with the right processes and technologies that enable technicians to address issues fast so that people can get back to work.

It can be easy to get on board with new technology just because “it’s new”, but that never really works. Before moving forward with any technology project, it’s important to develop a thorough understanding of the project goals and ultimately the kind of customer experience you want to create and then match your options to those goals. So how do you do that?

Talk to your teams. Bring the right people together to explore technology options. Understand how things work today within your support organization. Delve deep into what your customers need. Prepare a technology needs analysis that addresses questions like:

  • What is the business issue that’s being analyzed?
  • What is the impact of that issue that justifies making a change?
  • What is the process to be automated with technology?
  • What other options to technology have been considered?

Once you’ve done all of that, it’s time to prepare a requirements document, which identifies your “must-haves” and start reaching out to potential suppliers. During this process, gather as much information as you can about each one. Does a supplier understand your goals? Can the technology help you meet those goals? Compare the results side by side to narrow the selection for more in-depth technology demos, which will pave the way for product evaluations and ultimately implementation.

In the end, technology for the sake of adding something new won’t deliver the results that you (or your customers) are looking for. By following a process of strategic selection, you’re in a much better position to find the right fit for your needs and business goals.