Why You Need a Mobile-First Support Strategy

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February 1, 2019

Chris Savio

Sr. Director, Product Marketing

Did you know that most people spend an average of 5 hours per day on their mobile device? That's probably not a shock to most of us who rely on our devices for pretty much everything. With so much of our work and personal lives living on these little machines, it only makes sense that support should be available there too.

For too long, support has been limited to email or chat - and too often those resources aren't available for mobile users. With many consumers ditching laptops and going mobile only, it's critical for support teams to create a mobile-first strategy that offers similar experiences across web and mobile, feed into that same queue to promote faster resolution, and include diagnostic data about the device, OS, network, etc. Having this mobile first posture helps ensure that support teams can keep up with mobile adoption and serve the customers that rely heavily, or fully, on mobile.

So how do you go about creating this mobile-first support strategy? Here are a few tips:

Unify Mobile and Web Support

When users access your site or product, they expect the same support experience in mobile and on web. Friction (and frankly, frustration) increases when mobile support is limited to emails or phone calls, while web support offers live chat and more efficient options to get help. Customer expectations of support teams are at an all-time high, so it's critical to align web and mobile experiences to provide the right tools to get the quickest and best resolution for users regardless of the device.

Automatically Collect User Data

Whether users come through web or mobile, they have a profile of information about their equipment and habits that improve support speed and accuracy. Instead of asking customers directly for diagnostic information or gathering it during remote sessions, support tools should automatically collect the right mobile data during a session.

The right data – device type, operating system, and network included – should populate alongside user records in a successful support tool. When an agent works with a customer, that vital information can cut down on frustrating steps and lead to more constructive, positive support sessions. These records should be separate for web and mobile, building a distinct profile for exactly how the customer is reaching your service.

Provide Mobile Ready Support Tools

Beyond providing the same support experience on web and mobile, support agents need support tools designed to diagnose and repair mobile issues. Look for purpose-built solutions that are designed to bridge the communications gap as well as the gap between web and mobile. Remote support solutions, like LogMeIn Rescue, are lightweight and designed to speed up time to resolution and increase satisfaction of mobile and web users alike.

Mobile (and mobile-only) users are here to stay and service and support teams need to have a way to support them as they would any other user. With access to a more rapid form of direct support, agents can cut down on friction and align the best parts of web support with mobile devices.

To see how simple mobile support can be, trial Rescue for free.