Breaking the Chains of Legacy Systems in Customer Support [Part Two]

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Peter Zeinoun.

April 11, 2017


In my the last blog post, I discussed the problem with counting on legacy tools for customer support.   To give you the quick version – the problem is that legacy systems are clunky, not purpose-built for modern support needs, don’t provide the ability for support agents to create deep and personal relationships with customers.  The types of relationships that keep customers loyal and are the backbone of a successful business model.  Now that we’ve identified the problem, I want to dive into how organizations can start building a better, more adept remote support solution.  Here are a few important first steps:

  • Admitting There is a Problem. Like with most things, the first step is admitting there is a problem in the first place.  Most companies that are trapped under the limitations of legacy systems don’t realize there is an issue until one arises.  Maybe that issue is a breach of an unsecured system.  Or maybe your customers are using new tools or operating systems that you can’t support.  Maybe it’s just the simple fact that customer expectations are growing and by continuing to offer a less than modern experience, customer loyalty is put at risk.
  • Do Your Research. Once you admit there is a problem, the next step is to research how you are going to fix it.  It’s true that bringing in an entirely new support system is not for the faint of heart.  But by doing your research and ensuring that the tools you are considering map back to your customer expectations and support strategy – you can be much more confident that launching into this endeavor is going to have a strong and positive impact on your organization. Which leads me to this…..
  • Convincing Your Organization. As I mentioned, rip and replace is not an easy sell – especially for the higher ups in any organization.  You need to convince executives that the ROI is worth any pain the transition might cause.  It’s standard knowledge that it is significantly more costly to acquire a new customer than it is to keep your current customer base loyal.  When a customer calls a support line, they are likely having an issue with a product or service that is supposed to work and isn’t.  If the support agent can quickly help them resolve that issue, the experience will leave a lasting impression.  If, on the other hand, that customer is transferred to a number of different agents, each time having to explain the issue over again with no resolution in sight – frustration grows.  Or if the tools the support agent is using are clunky or worse isn’t’ compatible with what the customer has, that frustration puts loyalty on the line. Keeping customers happy is the ultimate ROI and that is a proof point everyone can agree on.

Customer experience and support is very quickly becoming the main differentiator for companies of all sizes and in all industries.  Ensuring that your support staff is armed with the tools to create the unique and seamless experience customers (and employees for internal IT folks) are looking for is the best way to win loyalty.  We regularly talk with customers, gather feedback, and work to evolve Rescue to ensure it is meeting all of the requirements for specific support environments.  Ultimately no matter where you are in your customer support evolution – the key is to have the right tools in place.  It may not be a simple fix, but it will definitely be worth it in the long run.

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